Having my last summer break like the cool (reality deluded) kid I am.

I’ve had summer break for three weeks now… and I’m still not making time to do stuff. Especially blogging ö_ö’
I’ve gone to the gym though and I’d count that as some kind of achievement *haha…*.

I don’t know what to write about :< Help meeee…
I can probably do some random review-, swaps-, received packages, ect.-post.

The usual diary-posts probably won’t happen that often since my life is pretty freaking boring.
But if you have any suggestions feel free to comment!

anime-sleep_00002-1I should brush my teeth and sleep now.

My mom told me something awesome today and I will receive them tomorrow (or well: today)! Looking forward to that~

// Nancy

F L A T F O R M WALKER anniversary!

I’ve had this blog for one year and two days today! :DSkärmklippI uploaded the printscreen on Twitter the same day.

Thank you for the likes and the views and the comments! You guys makes it even more fun to write :D Since it’s summer I’ll soon come up with more posts, I promise!

Arashi and I are trying to figure out the E3 madness (and she needs the interweb-cord sooo I got to go!) // Nancy

Background change and header table flips!

Happy Caturday everyone! :D1429881-1440x900-[DesktopNexus.com]I decided to change my background and header yesterday to something more summery(ish) sooo… have Ho-oh in dawn! I like Lugia more but this picture is so pretty :3 You can’t even see Ho-oh anyway but I inserted the full picture down below.1462816-1440x900-[DesktopNexus.com]I almost took a Zekrom Night picture instead but that wouldn’t be much of a change from my previous night sky picture!

I’ve been playing with my header for quite some time now… it got deleted yesterday which made ragequit :C I finished it earlier and I’m pretty satisfied~ I’ve redone it about 10 times now so I hope you like it hehe >w<‘pikachuu-header.jpgPikachu with his chubby cheeks ❤ and Jigglypuff and Maril in the background!

Stay awesome~  ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

// Nancy

Back to black.

Hola muchachas y muchachos! I’m back~
This week was awful and should get the Hell week of the year – award. But now it’s behind me and I’ll just try to forget it. I hope your week’s been good though.

I can’t remember if I have anything to show you guys but it doesn’t matter because I’ll be bringing out my watercolors ect. today! :D
I’m pretty sure school won’t be too busy next week so you’ll see me around.
I’ll upload something later, see you then!083832711a18add3c7570588045dda71-816773555

// Nancy

FlatformWalker on Bloglovin.

<a href=”http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/4341395/?claim=upxpnr9the9″>Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

I’m a little slow with all these “gather your readers”-sites and a couple of weeks ago I thought that I would get the google reader-thingie but it’s apparently going to shut down(… right?) so I thought that I would get bloglovin instead.
Here’s the link: http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/4341395/?claim=hdkhzycraeb

Follow me on Bloglovin if you feel like it’s nicer than through mail or the WordPress reader!

Skärmavbild 2013-03-15 kl. 08.12.59

// Nancy

Random update!

Just a little update about the blog and general things I want to say!

  • I made an Ask.fm account last night because I was so bored!
    If you have nothing to do, please ask me stuff~ :3
    It’s connected to my Twitter so if you want to see the answer
    you can see it on both Twitter (which is seen on the right) and Ask.fm!

Ask me anything 

  • I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I thought that I would tell you anyway!
    I talked to Jason from PinkyParadise two months ago and I didn’t feel ready…but now I am a partner so if you are going to order lenses please consider them! If you order a pair don’t forget to write the code “NYANCY” at the checkout to get a free gift with every pair of lenses purchased! ^_^
    I ordered two pairs yesterday and I’m really exited to get them. I’ll be reviewing them when they arrive!Skärmavbild 2013-03-31 kl. 16.04.55
  • My Glossybox is late… I’ll be getting the March box in April *sob*.
    And I’m a little worried since I don’t get all my text because my phone don’t have a signal at home, I might miss my come-and-get-your-package-text! ;A; I really hope I get it tomorrow or so.Skärmavbild 2013-03-31 kl. 16.13.06

I don’t know if you want me to make a post about something other than… makeup, haha. But feel free to comment below if you have a request! >w< I might scan my doodles tonight! They aren’t that many though.

// Nyancy

Day 1 in Edinburgh~

Get ready for 31 pictures…



20130318-194819.jpgBefore adventure land!20130318-194858.jpgFirst picture in Scotland! ^_^ We had just stepped out of the airline bus~
IMG_0422On our way to the hostel.
IMG_0424We were so hungry so we ate at the closest pub we could find… fish and chips, mmmm~
20130318-195021.jpgOur teacher forced us to the National museum of Scotland and this is on our way.20130318-195043.jpg 20130318-195116.jpg 20130318-195134.jpg 20130318-195217.jpg 20130318-195232.jpg 20130318-195256.jpg 20130318-195315.jpg 20130318-195404.jpg 20130318-195427.jpg 20130318-195441.jpgSo many fascinating things… I really recommend going if you visit Edinburgh :320130318-195500.jpg 20130318-195525.jpgOn our way back. The view from the bridge is so pretty! Especially St. Arthur’s seat *which I’ve explored c: But you’ll see that on Day 4*.20130318-195534.jpgGiraffes made out of car parts… ÖAÖ20130318-195546.jpgIMG_0460Our room! :D I slept on the bed to the right while Linnea slept highest up on the bunk bed and Emma on the lowest.20130318-195601.jpgFirst nommies bought, they were fun because of the dares written on them. Turns out, I can touch my nose with my tongue!
20130318-195628.jpgThe view from our window.20130318-195641.jpg“I’ve finished packing up.”20130318-195704.jpgSNOWSTORM, on our way to Princes street! 20130318-195803.jpgCute/beautiful/amazing architecture everywhere!20130318-195813.jpgMy Scotland friend c: (I’ll be back Superdrug✩)20130318-195834.jpgIt stopped snowing…
20130318-195904.jpg…but then the snowstorm started again.20130318-195923.jpgSo we ran in to Starbucks and drank hot chocolate~

End of day 1.

A new start.

God morning! :3

I want to start this wonderful Friday with an announcement so here it is!

I’ve renamed this blog to F L A T F O R M WALKER and also made it easier to choose between the different things I’m writing about! E.g. if you click on Skärmavbild 2013-03-14 kl. 22.33.38 you’ll be directed to Skärmavbild 2013-03-14 kl. 22.42.50and all the post I’ve posted under the category! You can still find all the (sub/)categories on the side though (if you’re looking for something specific)!

I also made Home/About/Contact a static front page! Check it out and you’ll get greeted by two lovely friends~

I promised myself that I’ll be better at categorizing. The Game-related category will be gone because I only mention games briefly in most posts! I’ll be putting them in either whimsical kitten or Real game-talk (<- the new one)!

Well… that’s it I think! I’m hoping things will be easier to find, feel free to comment if you think I can make something better~ ^_^/Skärmavbild 2013-03-15 kl. 08.12.59

I just woke up so I really have to get dressed and write/draw some stuff I have to hand in today! Have a great Friday!

// Nyancy

Comment issue + a huge thank you!

I didn’t realize that it had been a while since I checked my spam comments the last time but there the number appeared, 50-something comments. What I wasn’t expecting was four comments from lovely Colourit being there! D: For some reason I didn’t think that comments from actual people would end up in spam! When I realized I un-spammed them and looked through all the other comments… and it made realize how hard it is to see if it’s spam or not.
Therefor: if you have (ever) commented and it hasn’t showed up/I haven’t replied, I’m so-so sorry! I’ll be more cautious from now on!

Another thing I’d like to say is: Thank you. To all of you! I really appreciate all the likes, comments and followers ^__^ It makes all the writing even more fun to do! The just clicking and reading what I’ve posted is also worth gold!
I now have over 100 WordPress followers!. I was so happy when I noticed~Skärmavbild 2013-03-11 kl. 19.38.24Today is also:Skärmavbild 2013-03-11 kl. 19.38.25

The “record” before was 16 and now it’s 19!

Like I did some other time, here, have some pink, you’re-super-awesome-and-deserve-a-huge-pixel-cake! tumblr_ldvdilDWWL1qek1e3o1_500
You got a cookie last time but since my readers are growing, so should the pastry! ;D

// Nyancy

You likey? :3 *UPDATED*

New theme, new background and new gravatar-picture~ Yep I needed a change!


I currently have a picture that I took last Friday of the view from the highest peak of Brännö (an island), in the background. I’ll post the pictures from then, tomorrow. When spring comes I’ll change it~

I might change the theme again though. Not quite satisfied with the font! >w<‘

I’m going to upload some class doodles now so that’ll be the next post, see you soon! :D

*UPDATE* I chose really cute kitty tile and this theme instead. Satisfaction!
Also included the Brännö picture to the post hehe.

// Nyancy

Blog changes!

Thought I would inform you guys if you haven’t noticed yet! ^^
I made a new header and a few more pages for easier access to the different parts of the blog (for new followers(/stalkers) <3). The background and link colors changed again too but I do that all the time anyway so~

Skärmavbild 2013-01-26 kl. 08.59.27

I have to go now. Zumba-time  with Marcus, Robin and Kano in two hours (but because my bus comes at weird times, I have to go in 20 minutes Q_Q)!

See you guys~ I’m writing the reviews when I get home!

// Nyancy