Last Saturday (vet and book fair).

Last Saturday was a handful. I went to bed really late and then woke up at 9 to wait for my mom to wake up so we could take my poor baby to the vet. He had an infected wound under his right eye. :c
We had to wait for 1.5 h. because other cats had worse symptoms but when we finally came in everything went super fast. The woman cleaning Tora’s wound said that he was the nicest cat all week.


*Proud cat mama*

Then we drove home, picked up my brother, bought bus cards, left-the-car-at-Volvo’s-parking-lot-so-my-dad-could-drive-home-after-work and finally: me, mom and Nico took the bus in to the city.bokmässanWe were at the book fair for about an hour and I got a few comic albums and a book. I missed the Elvis signing (still got the new book) but met Lise Myhre and got the 10th Nemi album signed. It was both awesome and (I was) very embarrassing.nemi signed

First I didn’t know what to ask her to write as a special message… so I just mumbled out “o-oh just write To Nancy” and when she asked which character I wanted her to draw, I didn’t hear what she said so I said “I don’t know, you chose”… uh (really, me, really??!)… *facepalm*. She drew Cyan for me though and it was awesome!
I shouldn’t meet people I admire. I’m just too akward. T_T

Here’s the stuff I got:comic albums and a book

I’ll end this post with some pictures from when we were waited outside the Swedish exhibition & congress centre (where the book fair is held) afterwards :3englishmarket

We looked through the English fudge flavors but we didn’t find anything that was really tempting… besides I don’t really like fudge, the consistency is too floury (like overdone potatoes). xD

I recieved my Evangelion tumbler before the weekend, I’ll post it later today/tomorrow! ^^
// Nancy

Cinnamon rolls mmmm~

October 4th = Cinnamon roll day in Sweden

cinnamon rolls

The cinnamon rolls that you can buy in-store has some pink sugar on top. Googled around and apparently it’s to show the support against breast cancer (like my grapes ;D).

Happy Friday and Kanelbullens dag! I’m going to stuff my face now, byeee n’ see you tomorrow~
// Nancy

I lisp! ÖAÖ

I was at the dentist today. Everything went fine but now I’m stuck with a half-numb face :’3 It feels really strange, specially my tongue and chin. Even my ear is numb! cuddleKitty-cuddling makes everything better though~

Since I can’t eat anything without biting off my tongue, I walked to the supermarket to get some yoghurt c: And I came out with my favorite kind… and a box of grapes (because they were cheap and looked delicious).danoninokärnfria druvor

Oh-uh, 8 minutes left on the laptop >A> Time to say good bye!
I’m going to kitty cuddle some more because I’m exhausted~cutiepie

【 Snuggle friendly, yeaaah 】

// Nancy

Monsters University premiere

IMG_1572After the movie~

IMG_1586IMG_1587 And SF’s Monsters University menu! *w*b

Popcorn in a cute (hard paper) box, a plastic mug (you could choose either a Mike, Sully or Art figurine to have on top) and the memory game-cards.

This one is far better than the Wreck-it Ralph menu… didn’t expect to get the card game (but I love to collect stuff so it’s a pleasant surprise) :3

monsters_university_2013-wideI liked Monsters University. It was a worthy prequel and to see tiny Mike was *AHHHH*… he was adorable °u° I laughed and almost covered my eyes when they almost lost the scare games (twice Ö^Ö)!
MonstersUniversityDean1Ps. Dean Hardscrabble is awesome *gay monster crush :DDD*… oh and she reminded me of the Grand Councilwoman in Lilo & Stitch!

// Nancy

Ps2. Look at all the SP hits i got today (been a while since I got this many in one go)! x’D IMG_0875

Energy drain.

I’ve been trying to post but this week has required a lot of energy :’3

I was at Lovisa’s from Sunday to Monday with some friends~ It was really hot so we shot each other with water guns. When the evening came we sat around the dinner table and ate home-made pizza.1011357_10201723703763901_1119771932_nIn the morning it was blazing hot again and we ate breakfast outside. Our own redneck seemed to enjoy it.

Then Robin and I went to his place and had a season 6-marathon of True Blood… which was great. I’ve catched ut AND I didn’t have to feel like dying inside while waiting (because of some of the cliff-hangers)! Robin will come here on Tuesday and we’ll see the new episode together c:1782927443_1370238035

Wednesday… I did nothing special but when I decided that we needed to buy tickets to the premiere of Monsters University, I got a lot of questions and disappointment >w<‘
Many can’t come because they don’t have money. And my brother and his friends wanted to go too so they asked me tons of questions (like: when, where, how ect.)…and in the end the one who asked the most dropped out.monsters_university_2013-wide

Yesterday Robin, Marcus and I bought 5 tickets to the premiere so it’ll be us and my brother and his friend Gustav ^_^b

Now that I’ve written everything down… it doesn’t sound like much *_* But I’m totally exhausted and I think it’s because of the lack of sleep. I can’t go to bed until early morning so to wake up at 10 really destroys me.

Right now I’m watching It’s kind of a funny story and I can really relate to what Craig is saying sometimes. 1356697383_sd73tumblr_maie2m1nzj1rvc8e5o1_500tumblr_m9fuhq5Afk1qk15gao1_500I really like the movie~ And you should watch it!

// Nancy

A hot summer’s day spent at Skara sommarland!

On the 7th of July we (my family and miss Anon) went to the amusement park Skara Sommarland. It has the usual amusement park-side and a water park-side. Here are the pictures I took~ 

IMG_1306 kopiaOn the busIMG_1308 kopiaWe just arrived (and for some reason I took a picture of my brother...)Skärmavbild 2013-07-18 kl. 03.13.46IMG_1313 kopiaHamster wheel in Kotteland (kiddie land)IMG_1315 kopiaWhile riding the Tea Cups. Pro tip: if you want the ride to be funnier, try to spin in the opposite direction!IMG_1317 kopiaIMG_1319 kopiaBefore riding Newton.IMG_1346 kopiaThe water park! (taken while we tried to figure out where to change)IMG_1327 kopiaAnd finally in the water~IMG_1329 kopia
IMG_1331 kopiaBy the wave poolIMG_1342 kopiaMy brother (in a like a boss-pose) down Nyagara. This is just before the pool at the end. I recommend this one! It was a lot of fun and  super scary haha (because it's faster than you expect).IMG_1345 kopiaThe big drop. We didn't do this one though :c we wanted to save it for last but it was time everyone was exhausted... next time! *_*IMG_1349 kopiaAt the space bowl. My brother usually doesn't ride thing but just that day he yolo'd xD He was so scared tho'IMG_1370 kopiaThat's some cotton candy... *A* It was yummy though because it tasted like strawberry!IMG_1372 kopia IMG_1374 kopiaWhile waiting for the bus to depart.

I didn’t take a picture of the first thing we tried and that was “the crane”:press_98

It was pretty nice but over all, their amusement park didn’t impress me :c We didn’t do a lot of stuff because they looked lame. If you go there, it’s probably just for the water park… or you have small children that would like to go on the mini rides + visit kiddie land!

Sorry for the post being overly late… my brother had the computer yesterday and our internet connection sucks atm!

// Nancy

My amusement park helper!

Hello people! Remember when I said that I’ve ordered something to help me take photos at Skara summerland (here), well it came the next day :D

I bought Krusell’s SEaLAbox so I can use my dad’s iPhone to film and take photos in the water *w* Aaaahh I’m so exited!851575_392309830866329_1153417386_nIMG_1296 IMG_1298

Sorry for the dust on the case. The transparent material is silicon so dust stuck to it like crazy! It’s easy to wash of though~

It’s a waterproof case for the iPhone 4(s) and anything similar/smaller. It’s supposed to handle being under water (down to 1 m.) for 30 minutes. You also get a plain black strap (woho, I won’t lose the phone in a current :D).

So I will probably take some pretty cool pictures!IMG_1301My grandmother is here to watch our furry cuties tomorrow while we are away. We need to wake up school-early… 6 o’ clock because we have to be at the central station at 7.30. Worth it though!

Oh and I’m working Sunday till Thursday (no Monday off…) so the possibility that you get the Skara Summerland-post on Friday next week is unfortunately very high :c But think of all the money I will get *wahahaha* QẅQ

See you next time… whenever that is :3 Bye bye~
851575_392310010866311_2120893984_n// Nancy

6th of July plans!

My dad told us that on 6th of July we can go to an amusement park called Skara Sommarland (Skara’s summer land) for less than third the price. He told us this after work… at two in the morning. And the due date was the same day (but in the afternoon)!!! I tried to contact people I thought would answer fast but the only one who answered in time was Miss Anon.

But when we went to pick up the tickets… the 500 tickets were gone. The guy at the union office wrote down my parents phone number though and they called today to say that they had ordered 150 more tickets to the people that came by but didn’t get any. So we got 5 tickets to pick up next Wednesday/Thursday!

We haven’t been there before but from looking at the map… it looks like a lot of fun!Skärmavbild 2013-06-13 kl. 21.51.11I’ll be in either the water park or the tivoli! :D

We pay 100 SEK per person for both the bus ride and the ticket in instead of 320 SEK for just the ticket. I’m really looking forward to this! *w* The bus ride might be one of the worst things in a while (just imagine a bus stuffed with screaming kids and their parents telling them to shut up for one hour and 45 minutes) but hey, that’s what you have games and headphones for… that reminded me that I need to buy new (good quality) headphones!
It will be so much fun but it’s three weeks left. >w<‘ Gaah!!! I know it’ll go fast but still.Starter.Pokemon.full.1408972

I’ll upload a post in a few hours, it’s on what I’ve received in the mailbox lately! See you then~ ^^

// Nancy

The Red Lippy Project: Day 3

The Red Lippy Project 
(If you don’t know what TRLP is, click on the text!)

Bild 2013-06-11 kl. 13.17 Bild 2013-06-11 kl. 13.15 Bild 2013-06-11 kl. 13.20Ready for work~

Lip-product used: Jelly Pong Pong’s Lip Blush (moisturizing lip stain).

I chose the lip blush because it’s easy to wipe off! Since I don’t want to sweat in a boiling factory with lipstick all over my face, haha!
I’ll be back tonight but now it’s time to earn some money *I’m so nervious!*.

See ya and have a nice Tuesday! // Nancy

The Red Lippy Project: Day 1

The Red Lippy Project
(If you don’t know what TRLP is, click on the text!)

Arashi and I wore our red lippies to the beach today (you know the BBQ-invite I got). It was nice talking to people, having a laugh but still being able to relax and play some Mario 3D land with your feet in the water and hearing people and waves in the background.
Prepare yourself for crappy 3DS pictures~

HNI_0002 HNI_0009 HNI_0003 HNI_0007 HNI_0004 HNI_0008The lipstick faded when I swam but I just reapplied it afterwards! ^^

Lip-product used: Rimmel London’s Apocalips in Big Bang.

This was a very pleasant afternoon~ I’m back at Arashi’s again but I’ll be going back home after E3 tomorrow! See you then :3
// Nancy

Spent the day with my cat princess!

imageI met up with Milia after her car lesson and we had time to spare before our friends graduated so we ate breakfast at Espresso house.

imageFestis “juice”, toasted bagel with chicken, salad, tomato, red onion and cream cheese (so good, I can’t even) and a freakin’ bowl of delicious hot chocolate with extra marshmallows.
Thank you for the breakfast Milia~BL_h_G6CcAE_l9FDSC00536

At Gothenburg’s Opera (before the graduation):imageDSC00539Listening to video game music and enjoying the melting >w<DSC00541Aaaand afterwards: DSC00542379636_259400617531126_1123953300_nCozy day! And Emilia/Milia/Neko-hime (cat princess)/Arashi is the awesomest human being in my life. ♡
Go follow her on Twitter @arashi1k! :D

I’m suuuper tired now so I’ll chillax till tomorrow! See you then!

// Nancy

Being awake 27 hours straight must mean: GRADUATION!

Hi guys. Believe it or not but I woke up at 20.00 :’D
Being awake 27 hours straight might be the longest I’ve been awake in one go
I woke up at 4 yesterday and was at Madeleine’s an hour early.
The champaign breakfast was really nice. We had champaign, sandwiches, strawberries, alcohol-free cider and mudcake!DSC_0016 DSC_0019 DSC_0021DSC_0024 DSC_0025 DSC_0026DSC_0033DSC_0038Then we were in school a few hours:DSC_0044 DSC_0046 DSC_0047 DSC_0048 DSC_0049 DSC_0053DSC_0056 943385_530130483710656_1569824671_n DSC_0059DSC_0066 DSC_0067 DSC_0068And then… it was time to run out of the school!DSC_0078 DSC_0077 971181_530131697043868_861863239_nMarcus, Linus, Carolin, Robin, Charles and I had a graduation picnic after that… the pictures from there looks creepy so I won’t add them but it was fun haha! >w<

Then I went home to change to the graduation party. We danced from about 23.00 to 03.00 but I wasn’t home until 07.00 because I had to wait for Robin’s buss with him. So I was awake from 4.00 to 07.00 the next day. Awesome time!
I’ll add the pictures from the party when the fb-event has uploaded them (since I didn’t take any myself).

I have to eat something now! I’m starving haha. See you tomorrow!

// Nancy

The day before graduation spent:


  • Eating ice cream!  Under all the sprinkles there’s scoops of lemon sorbet, rainbow ice cream, candy cane ice cream + softserve. “Glasskioskens jättevåffla”


  • Watching people eat when sudden downpour. We thought it was okay to go out but it started raining super hard after 5 meter! D:

imageJust look at that sky, Gothenburg weather in a picture! >w<b

Besides that ^, I bought the graduation party ticket and persuaded Robin to go too :D Sparkly gold wristband with Comic Sans font… lovely. :’DBild 2013-05-28 kl. 20.20We (Robin, Marcus, Joel, Anna, Adam and me) also walked around town all day while Joel bought stuff. It was a lot of fun!

It’s my graduation tomorrow and I have to wake up so early (4 in the morning… I’M A BAKER)! QwQ It’s fine though. I won’t be waking up early in a year or so hehe. I’m readying my hair right now but after that, off to bed!

Good night everyone.

// Nancy